Referral and Access to the Service


We are usually contacted by families directly or by the social worker, the local education authority or other professionals from a client’s care network. The service can be funded directly through the local authority or through the use of direct payment and personal budgets and also privately funded.


We then arrange a meeting where we can gain an understanding of the client’s needs and situation.


If it is decided that our service is appropriate we will carry out an in depth referral outlining the specifics of the service arrangements including the amount of contact hours, staffing levels, costing’s, risks, needs and strengths assessment, outcomes, and time scale.

Commencing Work

On completion of the referral and agreement we will implement the service and allocate a member of staff as key worker. All work will be and supported and guided by the director.


We will develop a care plan, keep a record of all client sessions provided and write summaries and review reports as requested.


We will attend multi agency reviews and where possible any other meetings regarding the person we are working with to enable partnership working.